Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The hottest dog toy on the market!!!!

At Woofles and Meowz I get an offer on a new item that is "guaranteed" to be a good seller at least once a week. I usually try to be open to the possibilites of certain items and I have been surprised a couple of times on things that go against my first impressions either way, good or bad, but.....not very often.
That is, until I came across the "Scrambler"....a toy that resembles what the old "Leggs" pantyhose containers looked like but more substantial...much more substantial.
"This toy is gonna be a hit" said the rep...."a sure fire seller!"
...yyyyeeeeehhhhhh suuuurrreeeee....I thought to myself. What is the attraction of these plastic eggs?...What gives?
Being not all knowing contrary to popular belief I like to keep the options open to the possibilites so I took a few of the Scramblers both small and large.
I think they lasted in the store about 14 minutes. I am not kidding!
Whether it was the bright colours or the shape I am not sure but I was ordering more the next day and continue to do so every two to three days. Damn!!! why did I not think of this thing!
I decided to take the large size to the Nelson street dog park in the westend of Vancouver to see what was the workability of this toy and I was met with a friend whos dog instantly started herding the egg shaped toy around and as it moved erratically it attracted at least 6 other dogs. This of course was not without its perils at a full dog park but because the gist of the toy being that it cannot be held or bitten there was no one dog dominating the item or any other dog for that matter.
"Hey..where didya get that thing...its great" was the first comment.
"Oh I think there is some at the caboose on Granville Island...Woofles and Meowz I think they are called" said I casually.
"Yeah my dog rips apart everything...that looks perfect" second offering.
"I can at least see that in the snow"...third comment.
"They really seem to like that thing" fourth said.......and the list went on.
I will go on record and say I was wrong in my skepticism on this product and of course it makes sense! Where was my foresightedness...why did I not see that a toy that cannot be bitten also cannot be destroyed???
Of course...there is NO SUCH THING AS AN INDESTRUCTIBLE TOY...but damn..this thing is the closest thing I have ever come across.
I am a fan to say the least and several hundred units later so are many of my customer's dogs.


Sarah Henderson, BCCDC said...

I bought a large one the other day, not for my dogs but for my horses. I bored a 1.5" hole at the narrow end, just large enough to slip some alfalfa cubes into it. The horses go nuts over it trying to get the cubes out and so far it has been indestructible for them too -- if they happen to get a hoof on top it just pops out in another direction. If you know the manufacturers you might want to suggest this as another application...

Stacie Morris said...

i just have one question I have a black lab and every toy we have bought for him he literally eats it til there is nothing left, I really like your toy but is it durable enough for a lab?
Dog Boarding Reno

Anonymous said...

We bought the smaller one for our dog - he too eats anything plastic or "chewable". The scrambler survives him!

My only complaint - we got him the small one - he's a ShihTzu. He has a soccer ball that he chases outside (as long as I keep it inflated it works great - otherwise he eats them.

So I thought the Scrambler would be perfect for him to play "inside" (warning it can get real noisy inside) unfortunately it's just the right size to get stuck under chairs, buffets and then he'll sit and cry and whimper and cry some more until someone rescues it for him - it's a great dog toy and definately indestructible!