Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Pet Blog and why it is so great!

Since learning the ins and outs of dog training back in the 80s and keeping abreast of what is new and exciting in the industry I have noticed alot of changes in the business of both training and selling of retail goods.
The common denominator that I adhere to is good common sense and the truth in sales instruction. So many people have told me over the years that they are told a toy is "indestructable" (there is no such thing)or that one food is better than the other and you "have " to use what they are using for their dog for your dog as well.
I like to keep it open and find out as much as I can about the type of dog, how old and what are the basic living conditions that the dog is experiencing.
This gives me a better understanding of what the dog needs and how I can help.
As mentioned before...I am all in favour of talking someone OUT of buying an item if I think they may be wasting their money or if the benefits are not as promised.
Harnesses are one of those items. It is also helpful though if someone communicates what they need....if I have to drag it out of them or repeat a question because they are not being communicative...then that sometimes happens. I only want to know what is best for my customers so they don't waste their hard earned money. I want them to come back as often as they like........and with the (literally) thousands of repeat customers we get I think that tact is working.
It is interesting to note that some people do not understand the simple asking of a question does not imply someone is doing something wrong with their pet..not at all. Everyone has their own style and technique..........some good and some...well, less than effective.
As most of my readers know I would not purposefully challenge anyone in my store however if someone does start calling names or acts out they are free to leave. Its interesting to note that sometimes people who misconstrue an exchange feel the need to call back and talk at length about something that may have nothing to do with them.
The blog stays.
Its not about you.
Nobody was named.
Threats are recorded.
Take a breath and be nice.
My point on your attitude was confirmed by the call but if it makes you feel any better I am sorry that you thought that simply asking you questions to help you was in any way not to your liking. The other lady in the store thought I was being inquisitive and trying to help someone who was not interested in an problem. I understand completely. Bring your dog in for a treat sometime!

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