Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The best dog toys on the market at least at Woofles and Meowz.

A lot of people ask me what is the most popular toy(s) for dogs right now.
I have to respond with of course, "The Scrambler" (damn! I only with I thought of it myself)
Interactive toys like the "chuckits" which are great in that they excercise the dog with your help and one of my favourite is the "Tirebiter" rubber tire. Harder to chew up than a Kong toy (and seriously...what the heck IS the design of the Kongs?!? looks like a giant butt plug....uh I mean...I've HEARD it does)..but I digress. The Tire is also great to use as a "Treatball" in that you can put treats....perhaps with one of our handmade, organic treats baked fresh right here at Woofles and Meowz .....shameless self promotion eh?!
The treat or biscuit balls are great to get the pooch to DO something to earn a reward. I am not a big fan of simply piling on the treats willy-nilly or using treats for constant training but I do not mind the dog having to figure out how to get a treat out of a toy and working toward a goal.
The Tirebiter toy is also cool because it is (and this is really important) it is easy to keep clean.
Its a pretty bet the dog will take to it with a bit of peanutbutter smeared on the inside and some of its kibble stuck to it.............mmmmmmm kibble goodness!
Remember..make 'em work for the treats.

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