Wednesday, November 19, 2008

President Elect Obama's new dog.

So the USA has a new President in Obama...wonderful!!!
The interesting thing has been the overwhelming response from almost every blogger, infotainment program, newspaper, and anyone else with a minute on their hand weighing in on what KIND of dog is best for the Obama family.
Heck...some countries are even offering their own breeds (for free, Brazil) in the interest of good national relations.
I can't help but wonder a few things...One is that pop culture has now taken over as mainstream news in such a juggernaught of flashing lights and hoopla that we are distracted from other things that are really important.......when the Obama pet takes first queue in a news lineup over what is happening overseas during an earthquake and possible death toll in a collapsed school roof it is more than troubling.
Secondly.....the energy and interest for what will definitely be the "first dog" to the citizens of the US shows what little interest most people have for issues of the day and what can only be described as the fascination and adherance to the closest thing we have to royalty in the Americas. Whom do we admire? Politicians? Celebrities? The famous..the infamous?
Thirdly...although we have been barraged with what Britney and Paris are doing ad nauseum........and can I just gag on a simple oxygen intake everytime I see something on TV that broadcasts what little Dannielynn is eating now that her Mommy Anna Nicole Smith is gone I wonder just how much the "paps' will make on the first pics of said "first dog"........when did a dog get more important than people who move in and around it?!??!?
The only thing I can hope is that the two girls actually learn to be responsible with the animal and do all the necessary chores required....from what I hear about Michelle Obama I think that will probably be the case...she seems to be in touch reality.
Just sayin'..................woof!

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