Saturday, November 1, 2008

Christmas dog accessories. Doggy Santa.

Ok so Halloween is over..Madonna has left the building and the prospect of the Holiday season looms like a cloudbank over yonder ridge! (I heard that somewhere and always wanted to use the term "yonder")
Christmas is coming to Woofles and Meowz and THIS year we have even more doggy santa hats, kitty reindeer antlers and pet stockings aaaalllllll in readiness for the season of "ho-ho-ho".
Here in the caboose on Granville island we dont have a huge anount of room but we tend to have waaaayyy more than most other pet boutique stores and more than most simple pet stores. Our buyers are very good when it comes to the cool stuff!
Pet stockings for santa to fill up are gonna be popular as well as the usual santa hats and reindeer antlers (lighted or non)...anything for the pooch or kitty to look silly for the camera.
My dogs used to wear the Santa hats all day. I think because they were warmer and who does not get a wee thrill or smile when we see the white trimmed red hat on anyone!
THIS year though...and you can thank me anytime, I am NOT putting up the Christmas decorations or merchandise until waaaaay into November. This habit of retailors putting up the Christmas bling either slightly before or right after halloween is silly. I mean, I GET it...the news is all about how some retailers are betting on using their "new again" lay-a-way plans or plan on putting everything on sale right away..............ummmmmm here is the advice of one store owner to those who do that.
"Buy good stuff to begin with and mark it up only fairly..then you wont be stuck with it come January 1st"...right?!?!??!?
As I only have less than 400 sq feet in the caboose I have to have only that stuff that is demanded, requested and tried and true.
Santa hats and stockings will be gone by December 20th......yay. Come on by and say you saw this blog and get 20% off any Item up to Christmas of 2008.

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