Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Woofles and Meowz: Love in any language

A few days ago I had the most interesting and rewarding sales experience. A lovely lady, her husband and what seemed like their adult daughter came into the store looking for some interesting or unusual dog equipment.
Now they spoke not one word of English and I not one word of the language they utilyze every day. They were from China and here on a vacation.
The conversation lasted about 12 minutes and in that time I learned through expressive body language,facial expressions and hand gestures that they were indeed visiting...they had a small to medium fluffy dog in need of a harness because he would walk well on the lead already but they needed to pick him up quickly in an emergency as traffic where they live is increasingly busy. It was a girl dog so they liked pink and she was a real chewer and often destroyed items close to her out of boredom. They were also looking for something that was unique and Canadian.
Bingo! Within the 12 minutes they were set up with exactly what they needed themselves and for their gift needs.
I wonder why it is that the communication was so easy in this case when sometimes getting a point across in so many other situations can be so arduous...the only thing I can think of is that a pet was the common denominator and that precipitated a friendly exchange. We all love our pets...right?

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