Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dog parks in Vancouver.

Here is Vancouver BC we are blessed with great weather all year round (its just a rumour that it rains here) and walking is more than a pastime and just short of a sport for some especially those with k9 friends.

For the most part Vancouverites really take care to pick up the poo, socialize and watch out for other peoples pooches as well as their own here. There are several parks that offer a confirmed timetable of coincidental meetings of those with leashes in hand. Its a nice way to socialize with other pet owners, get out of the house and get some excercise for both you and your dog.

The Vancouver Parks Board has some excellent info on available dog parks and most if not all of those are listed here as well.
We are lucky enough to enjoy the parks while other folks are freezing in parts of Canada. We get the cherry blossoms budding out very early and boots and scarf weather doesn't come along until December usually so enjoy the efforts of the parks that the City of Vancouver really does a great job of maintaining.
Don't forget to bring the poop bags!


37th & Oak Park 25 W 37th Avenue & Oak Street
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Balaclava Park 17 4594 Balaclava Street
Carnarvon & Balaclava Streets at W 29th & W 31st Avenues
The outlined area is off-leash from 7am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Charleson Park 2 999 Charleson Street
The grass bowl is off-leash 6am to 10pm, year-round. The waterfall pond is on-leash June to September, 10am to 7pm and off-leash at other times.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Coopers' Park 3 1020 Marinaside Crescent
The grass field east of the Cambie Street Bridge is off-leash 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

CRAB Park at Portside 4 101 E Waterfront Road
The east side of the park is off-leash 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
No dogs are allowed within 15m of the playground.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Dusty Greenwell Park 7 2799 Wall Street
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Falaise Park 9 3434 Falaise Avenue
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm except the area beside the school which is open to dogs between 5am to 8am.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Fraser River Park 18 8705 Angus Drive
W 75th Avenue & Angus Drive
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Fraserview Golf Course 10 8101 Kerr Street
Boundaries are from Rosemont Avenue on the north side to Kerr Street on the east side; Vivan Drive on the west; and as far south along Vivan Drive to just south of the lane.
The outlined area is off-leash - 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

George Park 19 500 E 63rd Avenue
E 63rd Avenue west of St. George Street
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
No dogs are allowed within 15m of the playground.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Vanier Park 24 1000 Chestnut Street
Chestnut Street at English Bay
The outlined area is off-leash from May 1 to September 30: 6am to 10am and from 5pm to 10pm.
October 1 to April 30: 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park 14 3300 Victoria Drive
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10pm. Boundaries are from the north end of the lake only bounded by the ball field on the west; the football field on the east; and the lake to the south.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Jones Park 15 5350 Commercial Street
The park is off-leash from 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Restrictions apply by the playground.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Killarney Park 6 6205 Kerr Street
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. During the summer from June 15 to Labour Day, dogs are allowed off-leash from 5am to 10pm. Boundaries are from the west side of the park between E 46th Avenue on the north and E 48th Avenue on the south; Raleigh Street to the west; and the walkway along the east at the parking lot.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Kingcrest Park 11 4150 Knight Street
Boundaries are between E 27th Avenue on the South;
King Edward Avenue on the north; and Dumphries Street on the east.
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Locarno Park Extension 26 NW Marine Drive and Trimble Street
1 block south of the beach between Trimble & Sasamat Streets
The east half of the park is off-leash from 6am to 10 pm. No dogs are allowed on the playground side of the park.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Musqueam Park 20 4000 SW Marine Drive
Marine Drive & Crown Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Nat Bailey Stadium 28 4601 Ontario Street
1 block north of E 33rd Avenue, on the west side of Ontario Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Nelson Park 1 1030 Bute Street
The park is off-leash 6am to 8am and 5pm to 10pm.
No dogs are allowed inside the school yard fence.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

New Brighton Park 30 Windermere & Nootka Streets & E Waterfront Road
The outlined area is off-leash May 1 to September 30: 5am to 10am
and from October 1 to April 30: 5am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Queen Elizabeth Park 29 4600 Cambie Street
Off E 37th Avenue & Columbia Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Quilchena Park 21 4590 Magnolia Street
W 33rd Avenue & Pine Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Spanish Banks Beach Park 22 4801 NW Marine Drive
NW Marine Drive at entrance to Pacific Spirit Park
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Sparwood Park 12 6998 Arlington Street
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Stanley Park 31 Stanley Park Shuffleboard Court Area
Vancouver’s first fenced doggy park for the more petite pooch. Small dogs only. The outlined area is off-leash from 7am to 9pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Strathcona Park 13 857 Malkin Avenue
The outlined area is off-leash from 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. Boundaries are from Prior Street on the north; Hawks Avenue on the west; and Malkin Avenue on the south, with the approximate line on the east being at the tennis courts north to Prior Street. On the northeast corner, a small area north of the all-weather field at the corner of Prior Street and Raymur Avenue.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Sunrise Park 8 1950 Windermere Street
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. The sports field and playground are off limits to dogs; the rest of the park is off-leash.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Sunset Beach Park 5 1204 Beach Avenue
The bay behind the Vancouver Aquatic Centre east of the ferry dock is off-leash 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Sunset Park 23 300 E 53rd Avenue
Prince Edward Street & E 53rd Avenue
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10pm
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Tecumseh Park 16 1751 E 45th Avenue
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. The playground is off limits to dogs; the rest of the park is off-leash.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Valdez Park 27 3210 W 22nd Avenue
Balaclava Street & W 22nd Avenue
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

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