Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dog parks in Vancouver.

Here is Vancouver BC we are blessed with great weather all year round (its just a rumour that it rains here) and walking is more than a pastime and just short of a sport for some especially those with k9 friends.

For the most part Vancouverites really take care to pick up the poo, socialize and watch out for other peoples pooches as well as their own here. There are several parks that offer a confirmed timetable of coincidental meetings of those with leashes in hand. Its a nice way to socialize with other pet owners, get out of the house and get some excercise for both you and your dog.

The Vancouver Parks Board has some excellent info on available dog parks and most if not all of those are listed here as well.
We are lucky enough to enjoy the parks while other folks are freezing in parts of Canada. We get the cherry blossoms budding out very early and boots and scarf weather doesn't come along until December usually so enjoy the efforts of the parks that the City of Vancouver really does a great job of maintaining.
Don't forget to bring the poop bags!


37th & Oak Park 25 W 37th Avenue & Oak Street
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Balaclava Park 17 4594 Balaclava Street
Carnarvon & Balaclava Streets at W 29th & W 31st Avenues
The outlined area is off-leash from 7am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Charleson Park 2 999 Charleson Street
The grass bowl is off-leash 6am to 10pm, year-round. The waterfall pond is on-leash June to September, 10am to 7pm and off-leash at other times.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Coopers' Park 3 1020 Marinaside Crescent
The grass field east of the Cambie Street Bridge is off-leash 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

CRAB Park at Portside 4 101 E Waterfront Road
The east side of the park is off-leash 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
No dogs are allowed within 15m of the playground.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Dusty Greenwell Park 7 2799 Wall Street
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Falaise Park 9 3434 Falaise Avenue
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm except the area beside the school which is open to dogs between 5am to 8am.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Fraser River Park 18 8705 Angus Drive
W 75th Avenue & Angus Drive
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Fraserview Golf Course 10 8101 Kerr Street
Boundaries are from Rosemont Avenue on the north side to Kerr Street on the east side; Vivan Drive on the west; and as far south along Vivan Drive to just south of the lane.
The outlined area is off-leash - 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

George Park 19 500 E 63rd Avenue
E 63rd Avenue west of St. George Street
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
No dogs are allowed within 15m of the playground.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Vanier Park 24 1000 Chestnut Street
Chestnut Street at English Bay
The outlined area is off-leash from May 1 to September 30: 6am to 10am and from 5pm to 10pm.
October 1 to April 30: 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park 14 3300 Victoria Drive
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10pm. Boundaries are from the north end of the lake only bounded by the ball field on the west; the football field on the east; and the lake to the south.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Jones Park 15 5350 Commercial Street
The park is off-leash from 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Restrictions apply by the playground.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Killarney Park 6 6205 Kerr Street
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. During the summer from June 15 to Labour Day, dogs are allowed off-leash from 5am to 10pm. Boundaries are from the west side of the park between E 46th Avenue on the north and E 48th Avenue on the south; Raleigh Street to the west; and the walkway along the east at the parking lot.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Kingcrest Park 11 4150 Knight Street
Boundaries are between E 27th Avenue on the South;
King Edward Avenue on the north; and Dumphries Street on the east.
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Locarno Park Extension 26 NW Marine Drive and Trimble Street
1 block south of the beach between Trimble & Sasamat Streets
The east half of the park is off-leash from 6am to 10 pm. No dogs are allowed on the playground side of the park.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Musqueam Park 20 4000 SW Marine Drive
Marine Drive & Crown Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Nat Bailey Stadium 28 4601 Ontario Street
1 block north of E 33rd Avenue, on the west side of Ontario Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Nelson Park 1 1030 Bute Street
The park is off-leash 6am to 8am and 5pm to 10pm.
No dogs are allowed inside the school yard fence.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

New Brighton Park 30 Windermere & Nootka Streets & E Waterfront Road
The outlined area is off-leash May 1 to September 30: 5am to 10am
and from October 1 to April 30: 5am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Queen Elizabeth Park 29 4600 Cambie Street
Off E 37th Avenue & Columbia Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Quilchena Park 21 4590 Magnolia Street
W 33rd Avenue & Pine Street
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Spanish Banks Beach Park 22 4801 NW Marine Drive
NW Marine Drive at entrance to Pacific Spirit Park
The outlined area is off-leash from 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Sparwood Park 12 6998 Arlington Street
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Stanley Park 31 Stanley Park Shuffleboard Court Area
Vancouver’s first fenced doggy park for the more petite pooch. Small dogs only. The outlined area is off-leash from 7am to 9pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Strathcona Park 13 857 Malkin Avenue
The outlined area is off-leash from 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. Boundaries are from Prior Street on the north; Hawks Avenue on the west; and Malkin Avenue on the south, with the approximate line on the east being at the tennis courts north to Prior Street. On the northeast corner, a small area north of the all-weather field at the corner of Prior Street and Raymur Avenue.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Sunrise Park 8 1950 Windermere Street
The outlined area is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. The sports field and playground are off limits to dogs; the rest of the park is off-leash.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Sunset Beach Park 5 1204 Beach Avenue
The bay behind the Vancouver Aquatic Centre east of the ferry dock is off-leash 6am to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Stanley District 604-257-8400

Sunset Park 23 300 E 53rd Avenue
Prince Edward Street & E 53rd Avenue
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10pm
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Tecumseh Park 16 1751 E 45th Avenue
The park is off-leash 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm. The playground is off limits to dogs; the rest of the park is off-leash.
Enquiries, Complaints: Vancouver East District 604-257-8613

Valdez Park 27 3210 W 22nd Avenue
Balaclava Street & W 22nd Avenue
The park is off-leash from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm.
Enquiries, Complaints: Queen Elizabeth District 604-257-8689

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What is CATNIP??

Catnip is the popular name for a plant of Asiatic origin called NAPETA CATARIA. It has a chemical within the stem and leaves called NEPETALACTONE. The names "catnip" and "catmint" are sometimes used interchangeably. However, they are two different varieties of nepeta, a perennial groundcover and a member of the mint family. It is a hardy perennial groundcover that grows 2- to 3-feet high. Nepeta faassenii, better known as catmint, forms soft mounds about 2-feet high. Both varieties grow throughout North America.

It is thought that the ability to detect catnip, may be inherited. Only 2/3 of cats respond to it.Catnip was originally native to Europe and Asia. Over 2000 years ago Romans used it for cooking and healing. During the Middle Ages, catnip was used for the treatment of nervousness, colds, and gastrointestinal complaints. It was introduced to the New World by early settlers who cultivated the herb for medicinal purposes and food. As America expanded, so did the popularity of catnip.

Just how did cats become acquainted with it? Some theorize that the Egyptians, known for their worship of cats, were probably the first to offer catnip to their furry idols. Those who support this theory suggest that since Egyptians introduced domestic cats to the Middle East, they may have also introduced the pleasing effects of catnip on most cats. Whenever a cat comes across this growing in a garden, he will often rub up against it and roll around in it, in a sort of drug trip. Most members of the cat family [wild and domestic] react the same way, although not all of them. Young kittens don’t react this way though, and are often repulsed by it. They don’t learn to appreciate it until they are over 3 months old.

The responsive cat approaches the plant and sniffs it. He then proceeds to lick it, bite it, chew it and rub up against it repeatedly with head and chin, then purr loudly, growl, meow, roll over and even leap about. Many of the movements a cat makes mimic the movements seen when a cat is in heat, giving some people the thought that catnip is a [female] feline aphrodisiac, something that most cat scholars refute because it affects both male and female alike.

Feline catnip addicts are lucky though, because they suffer absolutely no side effects from this, unlike humans do when they smoke cannabis, a "kissing cousin" to catnip. Catnip is not the only plant to have this effect on felines. VALERIAN is another one, plus plants that contain ACTINIDINE.

The strange action of these plants though is the strangest thing of all to understand. If any of these plants were given internally, instead of putting FRISK back into the word FRISKY, the actually sedate the cat. It is strange indeed, when they are "uppers" when sniffed, and "downers" when swallowed.

Catnip is easy to grow, and the fresher the product, the more the reaction. Many toys for cats are sold as "with catnip", which supposedly encourages the cat to play. Unless the product is kept sealed in a plastic bag I rarely find these work, as they have been on the shelf for any length of time. I like, however, toys which are made with fresh catnip, as cats like this better, and even when they have ceased to carry the odor, the cats still play with them, but more from habit. For the catnip-loving cat, sniffing this herb is harmless and non-addictive.

One product we carry alot of and seems to pay back in spades is onr called pawbreakers which is a compressed ball of catnip in a very fresh state. Put this in an empty oval or round bathtub and watch Miss Mew SPIN as she bats it around and around like a roulette ball looking to pay out big time!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Designer Dogs

Just recently a wonderful lady came into the store with the cutest wee pup named Spiker (named as everytime a small ball is thrown his way he "spikes" the ball down to the ground). She was very proud of her "designer" dog that she paid quite a bit of money for from a local family. There were no papers and no lineage trail to back up the claim of her sweet pooch but she was happy as a bug in that oft quoted rug. I couldn't help but wonder when it was that "Mutts" became "Designer" dogs and was it the blending of the best types of dogs, hopefully getting the best traits and characteristics that warranted the ever skyrocketing costs?
Now, I am all in favour of any dog that with, say, a poodle cross has a more manageable coat especially for shedding or allergy reasons....or maybe a breed mix that offers a more manageable size but I offer up that there seems to be a run towards the checkout counter with cash in hand for what is being merchandised as specific and special breeding with provenance and panache.
I knew that my customer paid about $1500 more than what she should have from a back yard breeder but I wouldn't be the one to tell her. I was just happy that she found a lovely dog with which to enjoy for a good long while.
The upshot of her purchase is that she probably got a quite healthy dog considering the insideous breeding practices of some puppy mills that are breeding smaller and smaller dogs without care to potential health care risks. As long as they have a paper trail people are willing to pay for these dogs as well.
I always suggest 2 options for those who are looking for a new addition to the home.
The first is to do a good amount of research online for types of breeds that would fit your personality and home life. A greyhound for a homebody is not a good fit as well as some breeds that will not suffer a family that has several young children. Find out what suits you and start with dog forums online for those breeds and ask around for reputable breeders that have impecable reputations and facilities and then wait. Always wait a few months before the actual decision to get a dog. Give yourself enough time to see if you HAVE the time. There's no hurry really. After all this will be a decision you will have to stick with for a while. Never, ever give a pet as a surprise gift without the person knowing about it sounds romantic but its not....doggy barf at 4am...teething on your Manolos and pee everywhere runs flat pretty darn quick.
The second thing I tell people is that there are MANY excellent rescue organizations with perfectly perfect pets in every way (to miss quote a certain Miss Poppins).
I know several people who have the most beautiful pets from looking up pet rescue organizations. Some of these organizations deal with specific breeds and only them while others offer a variety.
I can't tell you just how happy and relieved looking some of these pooches are with their owners.
I know one woman who now owns the most gorgeous boxer featured here on this blog named Broedy that came from Boxers without Borders...a super group of people. I can bet that she also saved herself a good amount of money and got a perfect fit to boot!
Designer dogs...purebreds....happy Benji mutts (my fav) their all good just dont let someone market you into a corner without doing some research. Spiker is one lucky pup but I wish he wasn't being made out to be some super special anomaly....maybe when Louis Vuitton is tatooed on his ass I might think designer..until then hes just a gorgeous dog.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Food for thought.

I've noticed alot of people are coming into the store with specific dietary needs for their dogs. Some of them sound quite logical and some downright weird.
What seems to be the trend is that dogs are now becoming "alergic" to just about everything and anything.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia defines "Allergy" as a disorder of the immune system that is often called atopy. Allergic reactions occur to environmental substances known as allergens; these reactions are acquired, predictable and rapid. Strictly, allergy is one of four forms of hypersensitivity and is called type (or immediate) hypersensitivity. It is characterized by excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophilis by a type of antibody known as IgE, resulting in an extreme inflammatory response. Common allergic reactions include eczema, hives,hay fever,asthma, food allergies and reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees......"
It goes on to say a bit more but the point I hope to make is that I'm afraid that there is HUGE difference between allergic reaction and simple reaction to certtain conditions.
I for one, absolutely love hot peppers and am not allergic to them but have a sometimes funny reaction to them with profuse sweating around the eyes..which is odd as eyelids don't have sweat glands....I also love cabbage but it doesn't love me if you know what I mean. The point I am vaguely trying to make is that there is a difference and some people are being taken to the cleaners by others in the pet wellness industry who are all too happy to do test after test on poor Rover only to find out that in almost most cases the crappy food he has been eating has upset his natural digestive capabilities and NOW he is being called allergic to almost everything except what comes outta the tap.
I am no vet or doctor..and will go on record to say that I only know what I see, read, experience and hear for other pet owners so my expertise only goes so far as the great many people I see every day and the materials I come into contact with from being in the pet business.
My biggest "pet peeve" (hey thats a great title for another blog) is the people who are convinced that their pet and ONLY their pet has special needs that must take them out of their everyday convention and into a spending frenzy like I have never seen before.
Perhaps I am a bad salesaman but when I ask what the particulars are (and I ask alot of questions before suggesting anything) I often offer a natural alternative to many of the problems. It often goes like this..."take your dog out for more walks...stop giving him/her crappy treats all day, integrate some vegetables into the diet..yes the poo will be stinkier...its POO...and cut back on food that labels wheat,corn, or "meal" as major or first ingredients."
Lemme tell you that I have had no less than a dozen owners in the past short while who have come back with happier dogs and a new respect for getting a second opinion on what ails the pooch.
Another tip I always offer is to go online and look for blogs or forums that pertain directly to specific breeds and their owners. Tips for your Golden Retriever or Italian Greyhound will come form the best sources..those that own them.
As an aside to the food problems I ask that people examine what "food" is before putting it in a bowl. We seem to have no problem doing this for ourselves (or we should at least) but we don't give a second thought to what bag Fido is eating from as long as it says "balanced nutrition" on it.
Balanced Nutrition means absolutley nothing! Its like our sugary cereals that we are offered but its only balances when you have another glass of milk one of orange juice and some more toast. Ever wonder about that?
Since the post war years when manufacturers were seeing a huge growth in pet ownership and the need to package pet foods when before that pets ate..ummmmm food to now it is a huge business...huge....but that does not always mean good.
Trends are changing fast and furiously these days too with many going to a "raw" diet which in my opinion if handled correctly is fantastic......cause...its food. But doncha have most of that in the fridge anyway?!?!? Just asking.
The big trend for peope these days is the "pro and prebiotic" additives to our diet that are hugely lacking. These are bacteria pure and simple. When we lived on farms and ate stinky cheeses and sometime older salted meats and raw food we had bacteria in our system in a normal and balanced state and the same is happening for our pooches. Its a wee bit too orderly and clean in the plumbing.
Some customers are also motivated by the '"tootsie roll" quest as I call it. This is the determined effort to have their dogs poop look like nothing more than a tootsie roll...dark....odor less and easy to pick up. Ummmmmmm its poop. If yours looked like that YOU'D be in the doctors all the time too complaining of digestive problems.
So! do your research get good advice put some REAL food into the diet (food is food) and dont let any one person tell you what will work for your dog (myself included)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

oh the toys and tribulations has been an ongoing trend here in the store and with some of my cronies in the biz that people assume that dog toys are indestructable.
I usually try and make it as clear as I can for those big know the ones...with affectedly low voices and with a swagger that might suggest a bit more bulk and masculinity than is really hanging from his 5'2'' frame..the ones who really,really have to have as mean as possibly allowable looking know the ones. They are the ones who say as loudly as they can "oh Killer would go through that in 2 minutes..heh heh heh". To which I respond..."yeh for 50 bucks so can I" which usually gets a giggle from their friends or girlfriend.
All kidding aside...dogs for the most part are working animals. From the small breeds who take after the task of ratting and or other vermin control to larger breeds who herd or guard there is a work ethic inbred in our canine friends. This leads to a few types of play with regard to "toys".
First of all...Rover doesnt know that the pink rubber football that you spent a good amount of money on is any different than ....say a smart pink pump that you might wear on the weekend unless you train him to know the difference. (more on that in other blogs) He also does not know the difference between a toy and a chew toy...but you do. Dogs don't know toys from tools to play with. To some dogs everything is a toy. For some dogs nothing is unless its interactive.
I always suggest and ask my staff to explain that dogs will want to get somewhere with a toy. That means either a game is involved or they want to destroy the thing which is doing some kind of work with it. Sometimes that means a repeated fetching excercise or frisbee play time or laying in his/her bed and chomping away at something that vaguely smells of rubber and bacon.
Now some toys are meant to be chewed for different "bully bones' or as we like to call them the "peepee" bones (often made from from stretched and dried bull penis {hee hee he said 'penis'} which made up primarily of the spongiform tissue which breaks down easily with chewing and in their system..UNLIKE rawhide chews)
Other toys that are meant to be chewed are the "kong" type which you can put biscuits inside along with other materials for them to chew and get a treat while massaging their gums as well as the other types of organic chews like 'greenies".
Toys that are not meant to be chewed repeatedly and disemboweled are anything stuffed, upholtered or furry with a face (most especially kids dolls or teddy bears with eyes or other bits that can be chewed off and swallowed) One of the fun toys on the market it called Skinneeez which is a non stuffed animal that looks something like a pelt a trapper just skinned..without all the innards that Spot would just rip out anyway...very popular this last Christmas.
Good stuffed toys that are fun to play with from reputable pet stores are made of materials that are much safer that actual kids toys.
Most other types of toys are to be played with...and then taken away from the dog until next play time as an....indestructable toy.
I'll probably reiterate that point in many blogs at later dates.
Any question on the subject or tips please don't hesitate to email or comment on the blog.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ok, this is turning out to be an easier excercise in blogging that I thought.
So heres the scoop on the poop. Here in Vancouver we seem to have an abundance of pet parks where there are many people who take their four legged friends to frolick. I understand that there are 30,000 dogs in the central core of the city and I have to say what a great job the people of this city are doing with regard to the pooper scooper actions. Now, I do sell alot of the biodegradeable bags for picking up the poo so I knew there was a conscious effort on the part of owners to be "green" but it was remarked by several people visiting the store "what a clean city we have especially with all the dogs...there is no poop anywhere". I wont tell you where they live exactly but suffice it to say its below the 49th parallel. I was pretty proud of that fact so good on ya Vancouver...keep it up.

Welcome to the first blog.

Hey Y'all,
Welcome to the first blog for Woofles and Meowz.
This is a blog that will be attached to our website for Woofles and Meowz which is a Pet Deli and Boutique here in Vancouver Canada. We are located on Granville Island by the Kids Market in the coolest red caboose just as you enter onto the island.
We specialize in organic dog treats baked right here in the caboose as well as the best toys,treats,equipment,clothes,training materials, collars etc for both dogs and cats.
The new owner (me) is Darren Monette. I was a supplier of products for this store with another business of mine and am loving this location big time. As someone who has worked with dog trainers off and on since the first time in 1984 I hope I can bring a unique perspective to people who may have questions about the new puppy or kitty or who may have questions regarding training options, nutrition, whats new and cool and more.