Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Green, organic, sustainable dog treats.

Recently over a dinner party it was discussed about the benefits of being "Green". More than a few people all agreed that it was a necessary direction that we all move towards but I asked "why...what does it mean to you to be green?"
One person suggested that his Prius was the green choice over my Jaguar as it was "less impact on the environment".
I asked "why?"
..."because it obviously takes less gas and throws less carbon emissions into the air" he said smug smile on hs face.
"Ahhhh but"... I countered "Your car in new...had to be made new with batteries that require special handling...plastics that take oil reserves. shipping of the new car...resources lost to manufacturing and a $4500. premium that he will have to drive the car 10+ years to recoup the gasoline savings"......the perplexed look on his face was brilliant! ..while the intent is a great one I continued...I bought MY car with 41,000 kms on it...second hand so there was no need to make a new car......I saved money buying second hand......I dont have to store mercury and lead batteries when It goes to the scrap heap...if ever...the hand built panels can be hammered out if dented and not simply replaced with more plastic and it looks damn hot to boot!
Your choice I said is being "sustainable"..not being "green"....if you wanted to be be green you would have bought a bike or walked.
The point to this story is not to show that one choice is better than another (although admittedly who would not want to drive a Jaguar convertible instead of a Prius...HELLO!?!?) but it is more to the point that we have choices to be more consumer savvy when it comes to how we trade our dollars.
Here at Woofles and Meowz I make great efforts to buy organic ingredients that are local and items that are made in Canada or BC, Plastics that are biodegradeable and choices on how you can purchase items.
Nobody is perfect and nobody should say that anyone MUST live a "green" or sustainable lifestyle but it is important to try if you want to and get the proper information on the products that we take home. Don't just jump on the bandwagon and subscribe to the buzz words and catch phrases of the day and make yourself feel better by not using a bag to put that bottled water into........buy from true organic, local producing places like Woofles and Meowz and for that matter most of the stores here on Granville Island.
..............just sayin'!

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