Thursday, May 1, 2008

The best customers buy the best toys!!!

One of the best things about having a pet boutique here on Granville Island is the most wonderful people who shop here!
Not a day goes by where I don't meet someone who is interesting and has a cool pet that they are happy to tell about or show me pictures...I LOVE that!
I especially love when they send me pics of the cats or dogs with an item from my Rico's owner who bought him one of our Tuff toys.
As a dog handler and retailer I REALLY try to give people the "skinny" on what is a good toy and what are simply just fun stuff.
Here in my shop where I only have a limited number of square feet I can only offer stuff that sells really well and is tried and true...stuff that is either requested or a constant inventory that I KNOW will move.
Keeping in that thought I got in a wonderful line of REALLY tuff toys that have many layers of material that is TOUGH and sewn together really well.
Now........nothing is indestructable...I tell people that all the time as a good salesman but these toys are great and Rico seems to LOVE his so kudos to Nik and her dog Rico! Thanks for the rock!!

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